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Best Nootropics for a Brain Boost


In recent years, a number of “smart drugs” or “cognitive enhancers” have been developed to increase mental capability. Some examples of more expensive Natural Nootropics include Oxiracetam, Phenylpiracetam, Noopept and Sunifiram. These substances are used to boost memory and alleviate anxiety.

Many people with chronic health conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease use them as an alternative way to treat their symptoms with less risk than other prescription medications.

Nootropics can also be used by healthy people who want to try a new routine but don’t want the risks associated with more dangerous drugs like amphetamines or cocaine.

If you’re interested in Nootropics, a smart choice would be to consult with a medical professional before trying them out. You’ll want to talk about the most effective types of Nootropics for your needs and see if they have any side effects.


Phenylpiracetam is one of the most commonly taken Nootropics. According to research, it has been shown to improve memory formation, reduce anxiety and improve verbal communication in people suffering from brain damage or impaired function due to injury or age-related conditions like Alzheimer’s disease.

Health benefits of phenylpiracetam have been tested in animals and found to increase levels of growth hormone, brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), and nerve growth factor (NGF).

Phenylpiracetam may also have anti-depressant effects.

Phenylpiracetam is not for use by people with high blood pressure, epilepsy or a history of stroke. It can cause seizures in people with low blood pressure. Phenylpiracetam is not recommended for women who are pregnant or breast feeding.


Noopept has been shown to improve memory and learning ability in both lab rats and human subjects. It can also alleviate feelings of anxiety and help boost attention and focus.

Like phenylpiracetam, Noopept is not for use by people with epilepsy or a history of stroke. It can cause headaches in people with low blood pressure. Noopept is not recommended for women who are pregnant or breast feeding.


Sunifiram is a stimulant that affects the brain’s cortical neurons. It has been shown to promote memory function in animals with age-related cognitive impairment due to chronic illness, injury or degeneration of the brain structure. It has been found to have some anti-depressant properties as well.

Sunifiram has been linked to serious side effects such as headaches, increased heart rate and changes in blood pressure. These side effects don’t appear to be common, but they may be more likely in people with low blood pressure or who take other stimulants.


Aniracetam is one of the best Nootropics for anxiety relief and alleviating feelings of depression. It has been shown to improve cognitive function by increasing blood flow to the brain and stimulating the nerve growth factor protein that maintains neurons.
