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Five Grooming Tips for First-Time Cat Owners


You are probably well aware that your cat sheds. You probably already know that brushing your cat removes a large amount of loose hair at once, which simplifies cleanup. What you may not realise is that brushing your cat on a regular basis also eliminates dead skin and debris and promotes blood circulation. All of these may contribute to your pet’s overall well-being. Visit here to know more.

Paws – Your cat’s paws spend a lot of time on different surfaces and are used to catch her when she accomplishes acrobatic feats such as jumping from towering counters. It’s critical to maintain them in peak condition. You may assist your cat in putting her best foot forward by trimming her nails and ensuring that there is no dirt or debris caught between her toes. If you have a long-haired cat, you may need to clip the fur between the toes on a regular basis to avoid tangles, dirt accumulation, and irritation of the skin between the toes. If you find that your cat’s paws are filthy, you may wipe them down with a wet towel. Even though cats are meticulous about grooming, they sometimes need assistance. Check out some good dental clinic for pets.

Claws – While some cats like scratching on a scratching post, others prefer your furniture. Whichever group your cat belongs to, it’s likely that your cat’s nails need to be trimmed on a regular basis. If your cat goes outdoors and sharpens her claws on tree trunks and similar objects, she may be OK, but cats who remain entirely inside need nail trims. As you can imagine, this might be difficult the first time you explain the concept to your cat. The trick is to avoid approaching your cat brandishing claw trimmers like a sumo wrestler and expecting him to appreciate the gesture.

Ears – Healthy cat ears are pale and odourless. With a simple wipe with a wet towel, you may simply assist in keeping them clean. Simply dampen the corner of a washcloth, wrap it around a finger, and use it to clean out your cat’s ear tips. Avoid inserting your finger (or any other item) into your cat’s ears, since they are sensitive and may be damaged. Cats may get ear mites and ear infections, which need treatment by a veterinarian. If your cat has red, inflamed ears, paws at them often, refuses to let you touch them, or otherwise seems to have an issue with the ears, please schedule an appointment with a veterinarian.

Dental – A healthy pet’s teeth and gums are critical to his or her overall health. Therefore, if it has been some time since your cat had a check-up, you may do a fast evaluation.Is your cat’s breath pungent with days-old tuna? A pungent odour is a warning indication that something is amiss.

Are the gums of your cat a healthy pink colour? Or are they a furious red? (If it is red, there is a problem.)

Is your cat a frequent drooler?

Does your cat paw at the corners of her mouth?

These are just a handful of the signs that your cat may have dental issues.

If your kitty’s teeth seem to be healthy and white, you may assist maintain that appearance by cleaning them on a regular basis. There are toothpastes designed especially for cats that are often scented with meat or fish to keep them tempting while being safe. Apply a little amount on your finger, a soft cloth, a cat toothbrush, or even a q-tip to your cat’s teeth. As with nail trimming, you’ll want to start slowly and ensure your cat is comfortable before introducing this.
