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Dental Emergencies tout court: these are the three situations that can endanger the patient’s life


1) Uncontrolled and profuse bleeding.

2) An extensive bacterial rash of the intra and exterior oral tissues that can effectively hinder the airways emergency dentist Brisbane.

3) A trauma involving the maxillofacial district with potential obstruction of the airways.

Urgent dental care: there  are nine clinical situations that require  “the immediate attention of the dentist to alleviate intense pain, the risk of infection and to reduce access to hospital emergency departments” . Minimally invasive treatments are recommended.

1) Acute painful pulpitis.

2) Post-extraction osteitis.

3) Disodontiasis of a third molar.

4) Abscess with pain and swelling.

5) Dental break with discomfort and soft tissue surface.

6) Dental trauma with avulsion or dislocation.

7) Dental therapy needed before to vital medical treatments.

8) Definitive building of bridges or crowns in the event that the provisional is lost or fractured or in the presence of gingival irritation.

9) Biopsy of a suspicious lesion.

Other urgent dental care  are six clinical situations that need intervention:

1) Pain due to substantial dental caries or damage of a restoration.

2) Removal of suture.

3) The restoration or caressup of a changble prosthesis.

4) The transformation of a removable prosthesis in a cancer patient undergoing radiotherapy.

5) The remoduling of a momentary stuffingin a patient who is undergoing endodontic treatment with prior discomfort and abscess.

6) Pain and discomfort of the mouth mucosa from shelves, orthodontic floss and piersing.

Instead, Routine Dental Procedures should be considered  :

1) The recalls with periodic control visits.

2) Periodic hygiene sessions.

3) Orthodontic therapies (excluding C6).

4) Extraction of asymptomatic elements.

5) Restorative surgery including the treatment of asymptomatic caries.

6) Aesthetic treatments.

What is minimally invasive dentistry?

By minimally invasive dentistry we mean a real way of seeing dental care. It is the belief, supported by scientific evidence, that conservative treatments should always be preferred in dental care . The general idea is to make fewer extractions while preserving the natural teeth whenever they are still healthy, to achieve the maximum possible aesthetic dental result with minimal interventions .

But not only that … dental treatments can be minimally invasive even when it is necessary to resort to dental extractions and implants. With minimally invasive dentistry, fixed, straight and white teeth can be restored quickly and essential.

The surgical treatment should be minimized whenever possible. For this reason, the idea of ​​prevention rather than cure applies. We always try to identify and manage the onset of dental disease from the very first dental visits and always before invasive surgery becomes necessary.

Also for this reason we encourage our patients to adhere to a rigorous program of periodic check-ups . Going to the dentist twice a year, for professional dental hygiene and checks, allows you to identify problems in advance without having to resort to too invasive treatments.
