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Benefits of Delta 8 THC for Mental Health.


Delta 8 THC is an extract of marijuana that can be administered orally or via patches. It has been shown to positively impact mental health in patients with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depression, Type 2 diabetes, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), among other conditions. CBD (cannabidiol) from HHC Dispensary, which Delta 8 THC is derived from, has also increased serotonin levels in people with chronic depression.

The main psychoactive chemical found in Delta 8 THC is 9-tetrahydro-cannabinol (THC); however, Delta 8 THC also contains other compounds such as cannabidiol (CBD) and cannabinol (CBN). CBN is sometimes found in marijuana but also in tobacco and some fruits. CBD may have an anti-psychotic effect and has been shown to reduce inflammation related to schizophrenic symptoms. Delta 8 THC has a more powerful effect than CBD due to the higher levels of CBN. It should be noted that the ratios of THC to CBD vary depending on the strain of marijuana used; thus, each individual’s exact dosage will depend on the strain they consume.

When Delta 8 THC is ingested, it takes around an hour to show effects. After an hour, a person may experience an increase in appetite, a reduction in nausea, pain relief, and well-being. Some people report feeling relaxed and happy, with some people using Delta 8 THC to reduce chronic pain. Delta 8 THC can also be used as an analgesic (pain reliever) to reduce emotional and physical pain caused by PTSD. Many patients with PTSD report significant reductions in insomnia, flashbacks, and overall anxiety after ingesting this substance, leaving many wondering if it could eventually help curb the number of veteran suicides each year. As Delta 8 THC is a relatively new product it is difficult to determine an exact dosage as the potency of different marijuana strains can vary widely. It should be noted that the most common side effect of Delta 8 THC use is drowsiness, and therefore it should not be used when driving or performing tasks that require complex motor skills.

There have been few reported cases where individuals experienced adverse effects from ingesting Delta 8 THC. Most of these cases occurred in the 1970s when products containing Delta 8 THC were sold as tablets or candies and marketed as a substitute for marijuana. These products had very low dosages of Delta 8 THC, making them ineffective compared to smoking the actual plant.

While there are many potential benefits from using Delta 8 THC, it should be noted that there are currently no FDA-approved medications containing this substance. All CBD products must be purchased through dispensaries in states where marijuana is legal.
